
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A New Materialism

Nikki McClure. A New Materialism. 

I haven't written much of anything for some years now.  Not even to journal.  Suppose I've just been keeping my head above water....trying to at least.  Starting this blog has me thinking a lot about this life that I'm building.  If you know me, you know I come from a long history of....well let's say, Materialism.   I've never been one to promote "El Natural."  Let's enhance our hair, face, body, and now....Our Life?

  Now, I'll be the first one to say.....I enjoy a good purchase.  When I watched "Confessions of a Shopaholic" I laughed out loud, I could relate.  In particular to the part about purchasing Lavender Honey from a shop clerk because she had a lazy eye.  I'm the QUEEN of justifying unnecessary purchases.  All of this has me thinking though, what really is the price of all this stuff?  

I started this blog and wrote my profile stating that I am a Hopeful Housewife who desires to get back to the roots from which I came.  Then....I posted all the STUFF that I love so dearly.  Feeling like the obvious hypocrite that I am, I decided to change my profile rather then remove "The Stuff."  I have to admit it has been haunting me the past few days.  Especially considering the fact that purchasing is something I've done very little of the past...well few years but especially this past year.  I suppose it is all very human of me, now isn't it.

This leads to me to my trip this morning to King Soopers, or King Stupid, or my personal favorite Queen Sooper for those Coloradans out there.  For those of you that or not, this is a Kroger Grocers.  Georgia wasn't feeling well and was still in her jammies with a pillow and blanket in the basket.  Don't judge, we were out of milk, I had to go.  I was nearing the end of my list, passing through to grab my eggs.  As I turned the corner an older, very handsome African American man came out of the stock room.  Now for those of you that think it was unnecessary to point out his race, it was necessary because you can't picture how handsome he was if you pictured him any other race.  Ok, so where was I?  Oh yes,  there was a stocking cart in front of us and we had that awkward nod of you go, no I'll go, no you....  All the while he has the most brilliant white toothy smile that made me feel all warm and fuzzy. So of course, who wouldn't smile back?  I went ahead of him and shimmied over to grab the eggs.  As I turn to continue my shopping I hear someone say,"Ma'am."  Now, I know I like to age myself but I'm no Ma'am but seeing that there was no one else around resembling that description I turned behind me.  There he was my handsome friend standing behind me, stock cart in hand.  He proceeds to compliment my pretty smile and thanked me for returning his with such warmth.  He continues to tell me that this time of year people are so stressed and grouchy to each other and employees.  I almost immediately felt my eyes welling up with tears....If you know me,  this is not eventful...just another Thursday morning. The man goes on and on telling me how sad it makes him that people are under such tremendous stress that they get angry because there are too many people in the isles.  He also tells me he tries to be conscious of how he treats people because regardless of how distasteful shoppers can be, he recognizes that he has no idea what is going on in that individuals personal life.  He can make a difference in a positive or negative way.  It's up to him to decide which it will be.  All the while, I'm fighting my tears back because I know God put Steve in my path this morning  to confirm what has been eating at me for some time now.  Is less more balanced?  Steve tells me of his sister that passed away in the middle of last month.  He speaks very matter-of-factly, sharing that she never got out of the house, smoked a pack a day, was very overweight and consequently had diabetes.  Not a quality of life and yet our society tells us that it is.  Anything to quiet us from what is happening around us.  I suppose it was all very human of her, now wasn't it.  

I shared Nikki McClure's A New Materialism because it was exactly what I was looking for.  Please know this is not a political blog, trying to get my agendas across.  Simply, this is the convictions of my days of late.  This is me, on my journey, trying to decide what kind of life I want to build and what  legacy I want to leave for my daughter.  Maybe my hunger for "The Stuff" isn't so wrong but simply misplaced.  Maybe "My Stuff" needs reinventing.

Thankyou, Steve, a manager at King Soopers for taking the time to remind me what is most important.

For those of you that are horrified by my grammar, punctuation, and ridiculous run on sentences.  I sincerely apologize.  Just hope that it gets better the more I write.  If not, feel free to judge me.  I do.


  1. Just beautiful. I teared up as I read it because I could so perfectly picture the moment.

  2. This is great and I can totally relate. I have a new manager at work who says to always remember that we can be the light in someone's day. I thought it was silly at first, but then this old man came through the drive thru and complimented my big furry hat and smile and he said 'you always brighten my mornings'. It made me feel good, because I can't help but think that I'm not making a difference serving people coffee everyday. It's moments like this that force you to remember that we are all human and can always make a difference no matter how small.
